Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For better or worse, it's over

We're finally finished. I have one year under my belt. It's funny, I don't feel any different. I don't really feel like a second year teacher. Maybe that's because it hasn't hit me yet. It's only been a few days since school has ended and I'm soaking up these last, fleeting free moments before I start summer classes.

It seems like the year went by extremely fast in hindsight, but we all know that it was painfully long. Those who have gone before me in MTC told me that the second semester of my first year would be so much better than my first semester, but the second semester seemed never ending. I think the reason that the second semester went so slowly was that my instruction was stagnant. I didn't vary my instructional techniques as much as I did the first semester. Next year, I will work on using many different instructional techniques all year. In fact, what I really want to get out of this summer school graduate class is examples of varying instructional techniques for science, especially the Physical Sciences.


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